Now That You've Been Saved
If you just said the prayer to be saved, you are saved. Welcome to the family. God considers you his child. God has changed you. He did not just make you a perfect human, or not able to sin. Christians still sin. But you will find that your desires will be different, and sinning will seem to bother you much more. You now must enter a process of being taught and trained in the faith of Jesus Christ. The scriptures will have new meaning for you, and you should read them as often as possible. If you have a Bible, read the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and get acquainted with your big brother, Jesus Christ. Christians are followers of Jesus. Nothing more, and nothing less. You'll learn He can be trusted. Do not under-estimate His power, and His authority. He can save your life, if danger is near, and He can heal you of possible disease or injury. Jesus has all authority in Heaven, on Earth, and in Hell. But best of all, He will rescue you for eternity!
If you find yourself in a sin, and you feel condemned, that is not Jesus condemning you, it is pure evil. You can go to Jesus for forgiveness 50 times a day if you have to, but don't stop going to Him. Gradually, He will help you out of the messy thing. You didn't start sinning in one day, so give God time to help you change.
Watch for continued teachings from White Fields to help you grow in faith and knowledge.
Remember, God loves you and so do we at White Fields Ministries. Write us to tell us if this web material has helped you!