The Money Steward

Mentoring * Biblical Training * Honest Business Practices * Free Enterprise

Patriotism * Freedom * Earn Cash Flow * Finance Revival

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International Products from Christian ministers Greg and Debbie Nichols

Affiliate Income

Our payplan is very easy. If you refer someone, you get a large portion of the price of the product. If that person refers someone, you get another portion of the price of the product. This is not MLM; it is called a 2-level affiliate reseller system. This allows you to work or not work and still be making sales, even while asleep or on vacation. It is residual and duplication.

On the $99.95 Product Module 2, you get $40.00 1st level commissions, and $40.00 2nd level commissions.

On the $239.95 Product Module 3, you get $100.00 1st level commissions, and $100.00 2nd level commissions.

You must buy a product module to be activated in it to receive either 1st or 2nd level commissions on it.  If your 1st line person is not vested in a product, and you are, you still get your commission. 

We pay weekly. 

There is a $2.00 fee assessed each time a commission is paid or one fee per pay period. 

It is conceivable to make sales several times a week, and as time goes more than once  a day.

Imagine with me for a moment of having 10 or 20 people making referrals and you getting those 2nd level amounts $40 and $100 over and over again. You are paid at the processor where the product is purchased. We are using PayPal and Solid Trust Pay.

Our goal is to get finances into the hands of God's people in a way that is of redeeming value.  That way is through studies and teachings and personal growth.  We see many taking off and shooting into their own projects and businesses once they have been through our teachings and used our system.

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This is an International Project!

The Money Steward *  *  916-742-1777 Pacific Time

This is a division of MFN Network/The MFN Group/The Networkers Edge Blog

P.O. Box 434 * Roseville * California * 95678 * USA