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Perception e-book
by Greg Nichols
from MFN Network & The Networker's Edge!
Only $2.95, Instant Access
Breakthroughs In Attitude and Perceiving!
Greg pulls out all the plugs and shows you how he has developed his own perception for being a top marketer. You can be right there too. This is particularly true for those who do not believe they can refer, or they can only get 1 or 2 referrals, but not refer as a lifestyle. You can become a referrer, yourself, and not need to depend on anyone! If you can refer well, how would you like to double or triple your results by building a stronger mindset? Greg learned these secrets from sales masters, millionaires, through experience, and from a special man of God he met in the 1980s.
This mini-ebook is all motivation and understanding of the mental realm. It has no ads, or techniques, we share those free! Here is a look into the potential mind and mindset of a winner, YOU!
How would you like to get free of emotions, and not be down one day and up the next, and be a marketing machine?
You will not want to miss this radical sales and motivational view, written by Greg Nichols. Your view of sales, production, and even life will be radically different. This is popular among real estate agents, sales people, and networkers! Any person who must produce sales or market for a living will be able to benefit from this information! Remember, this is written for salespeople and real estate agents. But it is full of powerful life changing principles.
What are the 3 points of good perception?
What did the bible say about perception?
What great historical figures showed good perception?
How do you use more than 10% of your brain?
What perception principles did Greg teach his sons for hitting home runs, scoring soccer goals, and pitching strikes? These principles apply to referring and marketing too.
We want testimonials once you buy this and use the material. Go for it! We dare you to grow and change your thinking.
Jim Rohn, the great motivator and sales trainer says, "don't work on sales or production, work on you and your sales and production will take care of itself."
Prepare to be motivated, to have the lights go on, and to get mental breakthrough!
Order this product at PayPal today for $2.95!
MFN Network, P.O. Box 434, Roseville, CA 95678
See other e-books by Greg Nichols