The Ascent Of Man  Part 3

copyright 2003 by Greg Nichols

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6        


 (Print this out, you may wish to read this one more than once!)

 Man’s Knowledge

 Man has reached for outer space, he has built computers that do much for him, he has built towers up to the sky, he has even figured out how to manipulate life in a test tube. Man has reached for heights of greatness in many areas, but I dare say he has not totally seen his potential and most exact destiny from God.  Some have, but countless more have needed to answer the call.

" …the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men."  1 Corinthians 1:25

 Man has achieved many great wonders as the knowledge level of man has developed in the last 100 years, but man still functions under the cloud of sin and without his focus on eternity, as if he sees through a glass that is dark and obscure. Charles Darwin made many claims about the origin of man, and felt his wisdom from science was quite superior to any other kind of thinking.  Read the following excerpt from “The Descent Of Man” and notice the way Darwin thought he was in good company among the great minds of his day. 

“This work contains hardly any original facts in regard to man; but

as the conclusions at which I arrived, after drawing up a rough draft,

appeared to me interesting, I thought that they might interest others.

It has often and confidently been asserted, that man's origin can

never be known: but ignorance more frequently begets confidence than

does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know

much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be

solved by science. The conclusion that man is the co-descendant with

other species of some ancient, lower, and extinct form, is not in

any degree new. Lamarck long ago came to this conclusion, which has

lately been maintained by several eminent naturalists and

philosophers; for instance, by Wallace, Huxley, Lyell, Vogt,...

End of Excerpt.

It seems that Darwin’s God was science.  Human scientific knowledge seems to have no room for God, His ways, or His Word, but rather draws on evidence and facts based on obscure data and using a cursed planet as the laboratory. I am not knocking the scientific approach to today’s knowledge, only the way God is left out of it.  Personally, I love science.  I believe Christians should be amazed and interested in this natural world around us.  However, we need to interpret science, philosophy and this natural world, through God’s Word, and the illumination of the Holy Spirit.  Why would I quote Darwin so much?  His work is woven into the fabric of societies thinking, so thoroughly, I want to unravel as much as possible of the damage he has done.  His written works seem preposterous as they stand up against the gospel, and as we shed light upon them.

The Art Gallery

The way Darwin and many other scientific minds of our day function is like the art critic who visits an art gallery filled with priceless art treasures.  The man arrives after hours only to find he can only see the great works of art through a peephole in the door.  But the man proceeds to critique the art anyway, through the peephole, and gathers tons of information on all the art in the place, even though he is suffering from the condition of a stunted view of the art.  He goes into great detail, and fills in the gaps with his rich but inaccurate imagination, since he cannot make out much of the detail in each art exhibit.  His report of the art is extremely inaccurate and only about 2% correct.  But scores of people read his report, for they will never get to view the art gallery themselves. Most believe him and his opinions, for he is an art critic after all, and they have no clue of his faulty and obscure methods.  He has many initials and designations behind his name. He must be right.

Darwin reminds me of this man.  The peephole is the moment of time Darwin is trapped in, and his limited view of Creation, and of God and of spiritual issues.  He cannot clearly see the past, and must interpret the origin of the planet and of life through his own peephole in his own door. His door, which separates him from a clear view, is the fact that he discounts the notion of a living God.  His science has grown to be his God, and he would like to erase any further idea of a true God, and this action gives order to his little world.  The art gallery is the Earth, in all her glory, which was created by God. God of course is the artist.  All the evolutionists today are trapped outside the door and are forced to see a very stunted view of Creation, through a tiny peephole, from a tiny speck on the timeline of man, their own time, and they are forced to fill in gaps and holes with imagination, conjecture and speculation.  Then, they call it scientific truth!

“But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”  1 Corinthians 2:14

First, to see Creation in its glory, and see the Creator in it, you must become spiritual.  Only God can do this for you, as you open your heart to Him and His Son Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the door to the art gallery. Go inside and see all the beautiful treasures, the masterpieces, and the priceless pieces.  Once you yield to Creation and its truth, your eyes will truly be opened to a beautiful Creation.  The Apostle Paul writes in the following verse that God can plainly be seen in Creation if the viewer has even the smallest amount of common sense or wisdom.  Those who never understand that God made the world and that they need to get right with him, will have no excuse whatsoever! 

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.”  Romans 1:20

Some Practical Observations

I believe man has seen the world both past and present through a peephole, in a huge doorway.  If I may, let me try to nudge the door open a crack here. You and I can then peek in more! 

We do not even really know exactly what happened 200 years ago in history. There was no video, no tape recorders, etc.  Man relied on here-say and innuendo.  We of the future really must trust any information passed down from our ancestors.  Past history changes all the time, when we find out that we were mislead.  If we are fuzzy on 200 years ago, why could we possibly think we could find out what the Earth was doing 1000 years ago.  1000 years is a long time.  A long time.  But scientists, and teachers and people who have no clue as to what they are saying, throw around 10 million years, or 65 million years, and their minds seem to instantly bridge that expanse of time like it was nothing.  The Earth is only 6000 years old.  Not one person can possibly fathom in their mind a period of 6000 years. They think they can, but it is huge, and it is untraceable in scope. 

The camera and photograph was invented and was first used in the 19th century.  I never saw a photo of the founding fathers of America.  What can we prove using images before the invention of the photograph?  Nothing.  Man also had no vehicles for travel except horseback, train, or wagon, until the late 19th century, or early 20th century.  Man took days to travel a few hundred miles. Letters took months.  You think your mail is slow. Telephones were put in homes in the early 20th century, and there was not the hint of a computer or Internet back then.  In the 1960’s when I was a boy, there was no hint of political correctness, and bigotry and racism was prevalent all over America, even in my neighborhood.  The point is that much has changed fast, and man must not let the fast change and growth of knowledge bring pride, the kind of pride that makes him miss out on God!

I am trying to show you that it takes quite a bit of unsound vanity to speak of 100 million years when we are so unlearned and unclear about the earth and its history even 500 or 1000 years ago.  (I can hardly remember yesterday.)  Scientists think that fossils show something. Yes they do, but the fossil is analyzed with a wrong premise in mind.  More on that in Part 4 of The Ascent Of Man!  Let me just say that many factors are involved in the making of fossils, such as moisture, pressure, heat, cold, age, and more.  The scientist has no way to factor in all those items, when they happened in the distant past.  The exact and precise scientist who always follows rules of science cannot accept God without proof, but bends his rules greatly to rule out critical factors that could effect his finding of fossils.  Why?  Because he needs to believe what he has sold his soul for!  Fossils can change greatly when they are subjected to catastrophic or harsh conditions.  A world flood could mess with the finding of fossils. 

Times Of Ignorance and Darkness

Man peeks through a small peephole when He is not embracing God. Man went through a less intelligent time, between 200 A.D. and 1900 A.D.   In our cities in the 1800’s, raw sewage ran down the streets. It flowed out of the back of houses and businesses and flowed into the low parts and mixed with rain to get filthy bacteria mud in the streets.  People died by the thousands. Children and babies died.  Why?  They could not see bacteria, and they had no reason to believe it existed, so they could not fight against it.  Man could not figure out why so many babies died at childbirth, and many mothers also, and they lost millions for generations, until someone suggested the attending physicians wash their hands first before assisting the process.  That was a Dr. Semmelweiss who was a Christian. (You can find instructions for it in the Bible in Leviticus) When they finally began this practice, they saved millions of lives. This sounds ignorant, but these were yours and my great, and great, great grandparents.  Does it sound like I am not impressed with man?  Man’s folly is nothing to be impressed with. Man apart from God generates someone like Darwin, and countless other reprobate minds throughout history.  I am sorry if I sound repulsed by the human condition apart from God. It ought to make all of us stop and think.

On the other hand, God told the Israelites, and it is recorded in the Bible, how far away to bury human waste, He also instructed them in washing their bodies and clothing when exposed to communicable diseases, like leprosy, He instructed what women should do during menstruation, He instructed people against sex with the same gender, He instructed how to treat the poor, and how to set up society with safeguards against starvation. He instructed in Jubilee, which forgives debts of “down and out” individuals every 7 years, and is the blueprint of our current U.S. Bankruptcy Courts. He instructed in capital punishment and how to conduct trials and witnesses, the basis of our English Common Law legal system, He instructed how to build, how to work trades, how to do metal foundry and work with gold and silver and other elements.

Why did ancient Israel and other cultures know more than we did in the 19th century? I believe ancient man had more enlightenment in many areas due to a proximity to God, and Creation. Whenever man has listened to God, He has prospered.  Man did not stumble into the total darkness of thought, intelligence and reason until some serious rejection of God and His ways after 2000 A.D. and before1900 A.D.   

You and I take for granted our flushing toilets, our running tap water, our refuse pickup weekly, our police forces, our highway maintenance, our earthquake standards of construction, our bounty, (or welfare if in need)  our peace, our court system, our convenient stores, fast food outlets, Nordstroms, our televisions, our satellite directions, maps, neighbors, schools, and many, many other benefits in our way of life.  But every one of these is the result of knowledge, of understanding and of progress from God.  How many people are clueless to that fact?

Man’s Ascent Up The Knowledge Ladder!

Historians call a period in there the Dark Ages.  This time period is well named.  Inquisitions, torture and brutality ruled the civilized world. Governments used might and force, and diplomacy was not used. An age of enlightenment did begin to happen in those times, and shortly thereafter, between 1500 A.D. and 1800 A.D. with men like Luther, Wesley, Calvin, Edwards, and many more.  God was trying to get back into the mix, so men could advance in their levels of understanding again.  Christian revivals began to spring up around the world, and God was again beginning to be acknowledged in supposed civilized society. The age of Enlightenment gave way to the Victorian Age.  Most people speak with disdain of this age, as an age when mankind was stupid and prudish. But this age was an incubation of Godly thinking that ushered in the higher levels of learning and human understanding.

Many men back then and today were and are still looking through the peephole at the world around them, and maybe could have seen some things here with the door cracked open a little. You and I can look in!  Let’s push it more ajar and see more! 

Because of the Law of Sowing and Reaping, God’s seeds of creativity, intelligence, and enlightenment sprang up after revival and the Age of Enlightenment and an incubation period, bringing man the Scientific Age, the Industrial Age, the Technical Age, and finally the Information Age.  America was the catalyst for these ages, because of her freedom, and her stance originally on God and Christianity.  (In God We Trust / One Nation Under God)

Man got smarter during the late 19th and all of the 20th century.  God prophesied it in the Old Testament.

“But you Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end, many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”  Daniel 12:4

Why did knowledge increase?

I have a book about contributors to science, and inventors, and discoverers, and you will be amazed at who were Christians. These men and women prayed, had faith, and knew the Bible.  These are men and women who did not look through the peephole at our Creation, but slipped through a slightly open door and rather embraced Christianity and let God show them great wonders. Here are a few:


Gregor Mendel - Genetics

Louis Pasteur - Biochemist

Florence Nightingale - Nursing pioneer

Georges Cuvier – Founded Anatomy

James Maxwell – Einstein’s Predecessor

Sir William Herschel – Astronomer

John Herschel – Son of William, Astronomer

Wernher Von Braun – Rocketry

Sir Isaac Newton – Laws of Motion, Gravity

Blaise Pascal – Invented Barometer, Altimeter

Matthew Maury – Founded Oceanography

Robert Boyle – Founded Chemistry

Samuel Morse – Invented Telegraph, Camera

Sir Doctor James Simpson – Anesthetic Surgery

Charles Babbage – Founded Computer Science

The people above did not just have the specialty behind their names as their careers; they founded or invented the specialties into the Earth to the great blessing of all men!

Believer Astronauts Frank Borman & James Irwin, Two Pioneers of NASA

The list goes on and on.  Most of our science and technology was founded on Biblical wisdom and insights.  God moved on these people to bless humanity. The Giver of Life gave life to knowledge, so we might prosper and move into position to spread the gospel around the whole Earth.

Many men and women of the 19th century who were the wealth moguls were believers.  Rockefeller, J.C. Penney, Carnegie, Ford, and many more believed in tithing, and prayer.  God used men who had courage, faith and creativity to build the capitalistic system that has advanced man so much.  Famous Presidents like Washington and Jefferson who did so much to carve out this free country of America were believers.

Here is a quote by Sir Francis Bacon, I love this one, I framed it, read what this secular scholar thought: 

“Nay, the same Solomon the King, although he excelled in the glory of treasures and magnificent buildings, of shipping and navigation, of service and renown, and the like, yet he maketh no claim to any of those glories, but only to the glory of inquisition of truth, for so he saith expressly, “the glory of God is to conceal a thing, but the glory of the King is to find it out,” as if, according to the innocent play of children, the Divine Majesty took delight to hide his works, to the end to have them found out, and as if kings could not obtain a greater honour than to be God’s play fellows in that game,”   Francis Bacon  (1605) 

The only point I will add to Francis Bacon and/or Solomon, neither of who ever got to see a democracy or non-monarchal society, is the fact that all of us, according to the New Testament, are kings and priest unto God!  It is God’s good pleasure that every person on earth take a kingly position, and delight the Creator and Father in Heaven by seeking His secret wisdom and knowledge from above for our lives.  Proverbs says we are to seek it as precious silver or gold, to mine it out as a treasure of wealth.  The list of well-known people above are just small example of God’s play fellows in history, – won’t you be too?

God said in Daniel 12 that at the end of time, knowledge would increase on the Earth.  He would will it, and do it.  He would help man prosper and be free, and He would help man live decently and in a civilized manner, and make advancements that would bring God glory! 

God has blessed two societies like no others. One was Israel, and the other is America.  Israel was blessed based on their covenant with God, the Old Covenant of the Bible. America has been blessed based on her recognition of the New Covenant of the Bible, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Man has made an ascent in the knowledge realm, and God wants to further the knowledge of His people now, to bless the world and pour out His Spirit upon humanity.  This is long overdue. God wants to finish what He started in Ages past, for man. Many are praying for a breakthrough from Heaven. I am not alone in urging people to go for more of God. The door to the wonders of God and His Kingdom in our world is open ajar for any to enter.  God wants to give you, His child ideas, breakthroughs, inventions and insights for the benefit of man.  But right now, you may do something that only some have done throughout history.  Go ahead and humble yourself concerning your own knowledge and open yourself to the massive knowledge of God. Throw the door open and go through. Don’t use the peephole, or peer through the cracked opening, but open it wide. I am speaking now of another door.  It is Jesus.  He said it. 

“I am the door.  If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.”   John 10: 9

Throw open the door of your heart, and enter through the wide open door of knowledge, from God, and receive the final Door, Jesus Christ.  Go through that Door. Leave the peephole behind. Drink in Jesus.  Drink in His Holy Spirit. Get consumed with the knowledge of God.  Love the Word of God, and look at the world and the earth through God’s eyes. You are at the foot of the ladder of knowledge that God has for you, and in Heaven, you will have ultimate knowledge.  But begin to ascend that ladder today! Today is a good day to receive Jesus.  Come home as so many people have before you, and come home before it is too late! 

We love you! 

White Fields Ministries

Next time:  The Ascent Of Man Part 4

If You Have Never Received Christ!

There is a time for everything under the sun, and now may be your time to receive Jesus. God gave Him to you and I as a gift, and if you never do receive Him, you will miss out on the greatest offer and deal humanity has ever received. This is no accident here that you have read this ezine. This was a Divine appointment for your Divine destiny. God set this up and has led you to this point, so go ahead and seal the plan of God, for you, that is, and receive His Son, Jesus.  You must be born again to see the Kingdom of God.  (John 3:3)

Maybe you have only been away from God, but knew Him at an earlier time.  God says, "Come back child" and has arms extended open for you.  Get right in your life with God today!  You owe it to yourself.

Pray this:

Simply repeat this prayer aloud now: 

Lord, I am a sinner, and I need you.  Jesus, I receive you now.  You are God, and I recognize your death and resurrection.  Come into my heart, save me, and give me eternal life.  Forgive me of sin, and wash me clean of all unrighteousness. I am now your child, and I thank you for saving me. Thank you Lord.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

If you said that prayer from your heart, you are now saved and a child of God. The possibilities are endless here for your new life, but best of all, Heaven is settled for you!!

Watch for the next issue of White Fields Ezine, we are going to take this to new levels!  You will get this same chance to say this prayer if you did not this time, in every issue.



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