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White Fields Ezine
The Ascent Of Man Part 1
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2003 by Greg Nichols
England, 1882
The old man reverently bowed his head, and closed his eyes. His failing health made him unsteady, so he sat down quickly. His two new friends prayed with him. The old man was humbled. Could the Lord forgive him? Could his hardened heart ever find redemption? Would God extend him forgiveness after a lifetime of sin and wretchedness? As the old man uttered three words, at the direction of his friends, “save me Jesus,” a peculiar thing happened. The old man let out a huge sigh. Inwardly, he felt a huge wave of love and peacefulness flood through him, through his body, and through his soul. Tears ran down his cheeks. His body encountered warm tingling all over. God was saving the old man, and extending forgiveness in the most loving of ways, the way so many people have encountered through the ages. Tears of remorse now became replaced with tears of joy. The old man knew he was saved, and that he was safe in God’s hands. Oh the years he had disbelieved and mocked God, but now all sin was forgotten. All past transgressions were cleansed and paid for. The old man felt as a child would at Christmas time. His life on Earth was about over, but his eternity was secure. Charles Darwin would spend eternity in Heaven!
This is a shocking story! Can it be true? As the story goes, believers were present with Darwin at the end of his days, and report he was saved. His own family or heirs may not have known about it. The account is that two neighbors tried repeatedly to strike up a relationship with him. They were Christians. After many years of him avoiding them, finally, at the end of his life, he came to them and asked them about Jesus. The rest of the story is a possible alternative to history, not in the history books or reported on the evening news. It doesn’t sound like Darwin, but it sure sounds like God. To think that God would forgive the man who led untold millions to hell, by his life’s work. The richness of God’s grace and His mercy are beyond finding out.
“Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10
The account above of the salvation experience of Charles Darwin is a literary re-enactment, but I have been present at enough salvations to know what it could have been. Although only upon my arrival in Heaven will I be able to verify this account above, I do believe the account. I certainly wrestled with whether to report the account as truth, here in the writing. But then it occurred to me that Darwin reported things, as truth, that were theory, without solid proof. In doing so, he messed with the minds of millions, both in his generation and those who would come later. In my prayer time, I come under the sense of the fact that this account is true. But that is subjective to me. I guess I would then simply ask others to take it on faith. Isn’t that, though, exactly what God requires about His Word anyway?
Disclaimer: The above story is reported to be true, by certain parties, but is not verified. We at White Fields Ministries wish to make that clear.
The Descent Of Man
Charles Darwin wrote many works, the two that stand out are “The Origin Of The Species” and “The Descent Of Man.” This is why I have entitled this article, “The Ascent Of Man!” After Darwin stopped descending into the pit, throughout his whole life, he then ascended after his death into Heaven. The life of rebellion and pride was suddenly swallowed up by the unfathomable and endless love of Jesus Christ.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:8
Over 55 Evolutionary Theories
The theories that Darwin spawned have splintered and been reworked through the years until today, there are over 55 evolutionary theories. But who is counting? (I guess I am) They are all different, and there is no agreement in that camp of theorists, they simply do not agree with one another. However, with the rise of technology and scientific knowledge, there has sprung forth a new scientific doctrine, and that is the doctrine of Creationism. The findings in this field are staggering and huge. The single theory of Creationism, which all of its theorists agree upon, refutes evolution, and actually rises to superiority in many simple, common sense situations.
There is a principle that I find to be universal in scope: “Human nature dictates that a premise that is set out to be proven with natural evidence can usually be proven because the minds of the individuals who made the premise are biased and swayed by the particular evidence that favors their premise.”
The evolutionists have been doing this for over 100 years. Their theories are still just theories, and they will never be proven, for any supposed evidence lies in the distant past. The fact that they possess so many theories is an instant cloud on the accuracy of any of them. Creationists begin with the premise that the Bible is true. Then, the mixture of faith and scientific discipline both set about to prove the Biblical accounts. Although there is still human nature and room for bias on the part of the Creationists, logic would dictate that the playing field of debate is equal now, and evidence can again be looked at impartially on both sides. I ask you, the reader of White Fields Ezine, to take this role of judge to the evidence, as we share it for the side of Creationism. I do not think we have to share evolution’s side, for it was in all of our science books in public school. Most of us know it all too well.
Most creation scientists will tell you that they all agree on their discoveries, and the creation theory of science is one single theory. Interestingly, evolutionists do not like to debate Creationists, for the creationists share too many points that are amazing, unexplainable, and miraculous.
Creation Fact # 1 Common sense dictates that a beautiful design must possess a designer. Order does not come from chaos. Who would believe this except an unruly class full of 2nd grade boys? The creation was first a thought in the mind of God, before it was a reality. To state otherwise is not logical, or sensible, or wise. Nature reveals such magnificent beauty and sophistication, that only supernatural intelligence can be the explanation. The Law of Probability, which is a real scientific principle, would not support evolutional theories and the randomized development of the Universe or of man.
Creation Fact # 2 The Law of Entropy which is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that things worsen over time, they do not get better. To believe that the Big Bang theory could have an ever-increasing improvement universally is contrary to the law of Entropy, and to most people’s common sense.
In line with that reasoning, templates do not improve with reproduction, but rather they degrade. To think that a species can improve from the original is absurd, when to the contrary, all science shows that the human gene pool is actually wearing away or declining in quality. Yes, man lives longer than 100 years ago, but only modern hygiene, medicine and nutrition are responsible for that. Very early man lived 120 years, as in the case of Moses, and earlier than that, Adam, lived about 900 years. That first man and woman were of a quality that the Earth has never seen again, but the quality we still have is pretty good. I saw this at the birth of my children. This fact is to the credit of the skilled workmanship of God, the Creator.
Ape Or Pig’s Teeth?
Many questions arise, when the premise of evolution is stated, that simply raise even bigger questions. If our ancestors were apes, why do we still have apes? Why do apes and man stand side-by-side today, totally different, without the remotest chance of being similar? Why has a superior ape or monkey never been found? Why has an un-evolved human never been born in the enlightened age of science? Why can’t man reproduce with an animal, if we evolved from them? The genetic codes are not even similar for reproduction. Wouldn’t they be similar if man was once an ape? Why is there an absolute language barrier that has never been broken between man and animals? I believe the soul of man is one of the many barriers that separate man from animals, and it is that distinct quality that is from God. This is what I call the ascent of man!
“Then God said, let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.” Genesis 1:26A
One famous discovery that evolutionists were proud of was the “Nebraska man”! A simple tooth was reconstructed to represent a primitive man. This rare find was later discovered to be a pig’s tooth. But the first discovery made big news, the latter one did not. God’s Word and creationism always gets a bad rap because many will have to consider the condition of their hearts and their ways if they open up to the fact of a Creator and Judge of humankind!
Why is a dog a dog, a cat a cat, and a bird a bird, but no evidence has ever been found that these have evolved? There is a “variation of species” principle on this planet, and the fact that a dog is a dog and not like a man, but can co-exist without question, simultaneously with man, is the best explanation that the ape can and always has done the same also.
Lucy! Someone Has Some Explaining To Do!
A huge find was the remains of what was supposed to be a primitive female – apelike but human. This find was called Lucy. But later, science decided that Lucy was simply an extinct ape. Again, these latter findings do not seem to get shared with the public, or they do not modify or go into the vast information pool of evolution. So the wrong original premises keep evolving themselves, into further error and dangerous teachings. We do know that many creatures from Creation are extinct. That is fact. So this extinct Lucy theory is very probable. She was not a human in the middle of an evolutionary process, but part of the original creation that did not remain on the Earth. In Part 2, we delve into reasons for this.
We are no more from apes than Jesus was! Adam was given the task of naming the animals, and he named the apes. Adam was given dominion over creation, right at the beginning, and man has kept dominion ever since. But man sinned, and this made him lost, and lost to the true secrets of creation after many generations. Moses wrote the creation account in Genesis. This was a gift from God, and must be taken by faith!
Jesus Christ descended from Heaven to save man, but ascended back to Heaven to represent man to God! Jesus sits at the right hand of His Father. A man sits there, next to the Father, and not one evolved from apes. Man has representation in Heaven from one who is the express image of God the Father. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the Son of God. The Bible also teaches in Luke 3:38 that Adam was the son of God. Any man, woman or child on Earth who is a son of Adam, and receives Christ is restored to the Kingdom of God, and becomes a son of God! We are not sons of God automatically unless we receive Christ by faith! Sonship to God is the desired goal, Heaven is simply a wonderful by-product of restored sonship to God! I am a son in the Kingdom of my Father. If you have received Christ, you are too!
Darwin’s Dark Descent
I have been perplexed by the title “The Descent Of Man” and have a few speculations about it. I would have thought a better title for a work about the evolution of man would have been “The Ancestry Of Man” or even like my title, “The Ascent Of Man”! If man supposedly descended from apes, then they are his ancestors. If he descended from apes, then man’s journey has not been one of descent, but of ascent. Man supposedly, according to the theories, has made an ascent on the evolutionary ladder, not a descent. According to Darwin, man has not moved lower, but higher. Supposedly, as man descends from apes, he ascends in intelligence and quality, ability, and accomplishments. How is this a descent? This is an ascent. This title then is a paradox. The word descent means to go downward. Using that meaning, the truth is, if Darwin is correct, apes had the descent, not man. The title could be “The Descent Of Apes”, because moving downward the genealogical line is a descent, and the whole thing supposedly started with apes. I think Darwin knew what he was doing. I believe the title is “tongue in cheek” and somewhat cynical. To accept Darwin’s theories, man had to be knocked of his religious throne that connected him to God. This is a descent in the self-image of man, to say he descended from animals, and it would be a descent in the decency of man. Spiritually speaking, this is also a descent to hell, led by Darwin. Could it be that subconsciously, as Darwin wrote this, and titled it “The Descent Of Man”, Darwin inadvertently led man on a huge descent from wisdom and Godly understanding, thereby naming his very life’s work, which was to create a reverse gospel and descend man to the pit of hell? The Gospel of Jesus Christ says that man came from God, but was lowered for a time, on a descent, caused by sin, and Jesus came to restore man, and man ascends back to God. Man is in God’s image; he came from God. Darwinian theory states that man came from animals, in the image of animals.
No matter what Darwin taught, I do know that man has a destiny available that is an ascent to God, and eternal happiness, that is, if he will receive it! Jesus is the way of ascent, for he is the way, the truth, and the life!
This quote is from John G. Lake, a missionary to Africa, and a man who performed thousands of healing miracles in the early 20th century.
“Christ is the spotless descent of God into man, and the sinless ascent of man into God, and the Holy Spirit is the agent by whom this is accomplished.” John G. Lake 1910
Man’s destiny is brighter than Darwin could have perceived, but he may have found it at the end of his life.
Watch for Part 2, of The Ascent Of Man, it will take a turn you did not expect!
If You Have Never Received Christ!
There is a time for everything under the sun, and now may be your time to receive Jesus. God gave Him to you and I as a gift, and if you never do receive Him, you will miss out on the greatest offer and deal humanity has ever received. This is no accident here that you have read this ezine. This was a Divine appointment for your Divine destiny. God set this up and has led you to this point, so go ahead and seal the plan of God, for you, that is, and receive His Son, Jesus. You must be born again to see the Kingdom of God. (John 3:3)
Maybe you have only been away from God, but knew Him at an earlier time. God says, "Come back child" and has arms extended open for you. Get right in your life with God today! You owe it to yourself.
Pray this:
Simply repeat this prayer aloud now:
Lord, I am a sinner, and I need you. Jesus, I receive you now. You are God, and I recognize your death and resurrection. Come into my heart, save me, and give me eternal life. Forgive me of sin, and wash me clean of all unrighteousness. I am now your child, and I thank you for saving me. Thank you Lord.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
If you said that prayer from your heart, you are now saved and a child of God. The possibilities are endless here for your new life, but best of all, Heaven is settled for you!!
Watch for the next issue of White Fields Ezine, we are going to take this to new levels! You will get this same chance to say this prayer if you did not this time, in every issue.
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