"Do you not say, there are still 4 months, and then comes the harvest? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" John 4:35
Contact Us: mfn2@directcon.net
Above graphic by Jan Orsini 2001
God so loved the world, that He sent His only Son...
White Fields Ministries is a ministry, founded by Greg and Debbie Nichols. Greg and Debbie believe they are called by God to teach and minister the gospel of Jesus Christ, in power, and in simplicity, according to the mandate of Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:18-20! Greg & Debbie are affiliated with AIGA out of Missouri. The White Fields Ezine teachings are below!
Read about Cutting Edge Flood Research!
Read about The Passion of The Christ Movie Blockbuster!
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White Fields Ezine
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Our Website
This website can open up the scriptures to people, in the privacy of their own home or workplace, at any time of the day or night. This teaching ministry can get into any home or location in the world, where a believer or the Word of God is not welcome. The Internet was invented for such a project as this. After you bookmark this site yourself as a reference for ministry and learning, then simply send the web location here, to people you know and care about, by copy and pasting this web address into an email to them. Our web address for copy and pasting is http://www.themfngroup.com/whitefields.htm . Private "word of mouth" sharing is the way we will win the lost, our families, and friends. If everyone does this, the exponential numbers of people viewing this site will be too large to calculate.
A Biblical Analysis of The Lord of the Rings!
You may give an online donation, we are set up at PayPal for it. We offer a free online service and ezine, and it has gone into many countries and areas since we started it. Donations have helped us. No amount is too small. $5.00 or $10.00 can help us reach at least 4 more people online.
Bible Teachings
(The Ascent of Man has loads of information that prove God's Word, and refute Darwinism. Watch for coming issues!)
The Ascent of Man Part 1 (The Charles Darwin connection)
The Ascent of Man Part 2 (Darwin and the Earth's age)
The Ascent of Man Part 3 (Man's knowledge and Christian scientific contributors)
The Ascent of Man Part 4 (Flood Expose')
The Ascent of Man Part 5 (Man hears God's voice)
The Ascent of Man Part 6 (Sonship in Gods' Kingdom)
What Happened To Anton Christian Erickson? (Healing for sons, daughters and fathers)
American Patriotism and New Millennium Common Sense! (A wild novel from Y2K)
The Power Of Christianity Part 1 (Walk in more power)
The New Birth (Find out what every person needs in their life, at least once, before they die)
Now That You've Been Saved! (What to do after!)
For a dynamic teaching on Biblical Wealth, go to http://www.wfministries.net and click the "Teachings" link.
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